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eBay Made ‘Saved Feed’ Feature Harder to Navigate, Buyers Complain

eBay Made ‘Saved Feed’ Feature Harder to Navigate, Buyers Complain

eBay has been rolling out unannounced changes to the Saved Feed feature over the past month or so, and buyers say it makes it harder to navigate the page. Some buyers say the feed is now full of duplicate listings; listings they’ve viewed; and listings from their Watch list, with some saying that overall, it has made it more difficult to find things they wish to purchase.

One buyer said eBay removed a feature that allowed them to select listings they weren’t interested in and hide them, “keeping this list much cleaner and focused on items I am actually interested in.”

“Does anyone know how to get the old saved page back, so I don’t have to deal with yet another eBay improvement that makes things worse,” the buyer asked in a thread on the eBay discussion boards.

A buyer who replied agreed with the original poster and said, “I actually think my “saved feed” shows every item on my old “saved” search, plus my watch list, and every item I looked at, some of them multiple times. Very difficult to navigate, will severely affect my buying. I wish eBay would go back to the old way, or at least give us a link to go back like they do with feedback viewing. Who thinks of these “improvements”?”

The thread was started in mid-December, with buyers commenting on changes as eBay continued to tweak the feature. One buyer wrote today, “I had to unfollow every single seller because it would show items from them from literally a month or more ago if I scrolled. It still does not show new items as they are listed, and it takes absolutely forever to load still. Item tiles load as I scroll at a rate of about 2 per second. Completely unusable.

“They really need to bring the old feed back exactly as it was, every tweak they make to this one is just making more like the old one in a roundabout, stupid way.”

Buyers also discussed the changes to Saved Feed on Reddit, with a buyer reporting on Tuesday that eBay had rolled out the changes to the mobile app last weekend, writing the following:

“The “new” saved searches feed has rolled out to the mobile app and it is completely useless. It only loads about 20 listings from my saved searches and they’re not even items that were recently listed. Why on earth would they change the feed when the old one worked perfectly fine and updated in real time as items were listed.

“That’s how I would purchase 99% of the items I bought on eBay. I pretty much solely purchase newly listed buy it now items. Now I can’t really see much new stuff. I can’t see how this is an improvement for eBay.

“Anyone else seeing this change as a huge issue? Anything we can do to push eBay to change it back?”

Other buyers responded, including one who wrote, “I horribly dislike this new update too, considering I buy most of my stuff in the saved feed. Now it just shows a few new items with the rest of it just repeating stuff already on my watchlist.”

One buyer urged others to share their opinions with eBay by clicking on the “tell us what you think” link on the bottom of the new Saved Feed page.

February is typically when eBay announces its Winter Seller Update, a practice that when introduced was supposed to give sellers advance warning of changes to come affecting both sellers and buyers — although in recent years, eBay uses Seller Updates primarily to inform sellers of changes it has already made prior to announcing them. It’s possible eBay will announce the new Saved Feed feature next month.

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