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Report: Apple Mail is getting automatic categories on iPadOS and macOS

Report: Apple Mail is getting automatic categories on iPadOS and macOS

Unlike numerous other new and recent OS-level features from Apple, mail sorting does not require a device capable of supporting its Apple Intelligence (generally M-series Macs or iPads), and happens entirely on the device. It’s an optional feature and available only for English-language emails.

Apple released a third beta of MacOS 15.3 just days ago, indicating that early, developer-oriented builds of macOS 15.4 with the sorting feature should be weeks away. While Gurman’s newsletter suggests mail sorting will also arrive in the Mail app for iPadOS, he did not specify which version, though the timing would suggest the roughly simultaneous release of iPadOS 18.4.

Also slated to arrive in the same update for Apple-Intelligence-ready devices is the version of Siri that understands more context about questions, from what’s on your screen and in your apps. “Add this address to Rick’s contact information,” “When is my mom’s flight landing,” and “What time do I have dinner with her” are the sorts of examples Apple highlighted in its June unveiling of iOS 18.

Since then, Apple has divvied up certain aspects of Intelligence into different OS point updates. General ChatGPT access and image generation have arrived in iOS 18.2 (and related Mac and iPad updates), while notification summaries, which can be pretty rough, are being rethought and better labeled and will be removed from certain news notifications in iOS 18.3.

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