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How can I push back if my workload is too much?

How can I push back if my workload is too much?

There are lots of reasons why employees end up with too much work. But regardless of the cause, here’s how to push back if your workload is too great.

Welcome to Pressing Questions, Fast Company’s work-life advice column. Every week, deputy editor Kathleen Davis, host of The New Way We Work podcast, will answer the biggest and most pressing workplace questions.
Q: How can I push back if my workload is too much?
Count yourself as extremely lucky if you’ve never felt overburdened at work. This feels like a near-universal problem. There can be a lot of reasons why employees can end up with too big of a workload. Your company might be tightening finances and either cutting or not hiring enough staff. Maybe a colleague left and their workload has been redistributed. Maybe your manager just doesn’t have a realistic view of how long tasks take to complete or doesn’t know the full scope of what’s on your plate.
Regardless of the reason, there are ways to push back if your workload is too much. Here’s some quick advice:
1.  Don’t feel guilty or lazy for saying no. Burning out is not only terrible for you and your health and well-being, it also makes you a less effective employee. If you take on too much work you are more likely to make mistakes or leave your job altogether. It’s better for everyone to set realistic expectations. 

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