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Alert: USPS to Expand Nonstandard Fees in July

Alert: USPS to Expand Nonstandard Fees in July

Sellers prepare: the USPS will apply Nonstandard Fees to more types of packages in July. On April 3, 2022, the USPS introduced two brand-new types of fees, and this year, it will expand the surcharges so they apply to more packages. The plans were outlined in a February 11th report describing changes coming in July as part of its twice-yearly rate changes.

April of 2022 was the first time shippers had to pay a significant surcharge (“nonstandard fees”) on items like movie posters and golf clubs. Sellers shipping long, skinny packages greater than 22″ long would pay $4, and those shipping long, skinny packages greater than 30″ long would pay $15 (in addition to the postage costs they would normally pay).

Beginning in July of 2025, the USPS will charge nonstandard fees on all cylindrical tubes or rolls. In addition, the USPS will charge nonstandard fees on any package that with contents that may cause the parcel to roll.

The USPS notice explained the changes as follows, first listing the way it currently assesses nonstandard fees followed by a description of the packages that will have nonstandard fees assessed beginning later this year:

The Nonstandard Fee is currently charged for packages meeting the following criteria:
a) Length greater than 22 inches but less than or equal to 30 inches.
b) Length greater than 30 inches.
c) Cubic volume greater than 2 cubic ft.

The Nonstandard Fee will now also include the Package Characteristics as a criterion:
a) Cylindrical tubes or rolls.
b) A can, or wooden or metal box.
c) A parcel containing more than 24 ounces of liquid in glass containers, or 1 gallon or more of liquid in metal or plastic containers (see DMM 601.3.4).
d) Other (e.g., parcels prepared under DMM sections 601.3.0 and DMM 601.4.0. with contents that may cause the parcel to roll or not maintain the integrity of the packaging during processing)

The Nonstandard fees and the Dimension Noncompliance fees apply to Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, USPS Ground Advantage, USPS Connect Local and Parcel Select packages.

A graphic included in the February 11th notice on PostalPro states:

In summary, the price of commercial, rectangular package with non-standard fee is:
Base Postage + Applicable Non-Standard Length Fee + Non-Standard Cubic Fee + Non-Standard Characteristic Fee.

The notice includes other changes coming this summer, though not the specific date in July that the changes will take effect.

Update 2/12/2025: Despite what the graphic says about fees, the body of the text states, “Only the greater of the two: Length vs. Package Characteristics may be assessed per package.” Thanks to shipping consultant (and USPS expert) Gordon Glazer for pointing out this discrepancy.

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