On the latest episode of Summer House, Lindsay Hubbard gathered the cast together to celebrate her pregnancy with a special scavenger hunt: Each clue was a personal one, and the prize at the end was learning the gender of her baby (and yes, it’s a girl! Gemma Kufe was born on December 8, 2025).
One of the clues led them to the place “Kyle likes to cry” (which was his car, as he was seen sobbing in a flashback), while another told them to head to the “bedbugs’ favorite spot” (aka Amanda Batula’s bed). But one clue in particular referenced a very memorable Season 7 moment. “When Lindsay needed a break last year, where did she go without any fear?” The answer is, of course, the front gate.
What is the Lindsay Hubbard moment where she went out the front gate?
Don’t remember? Well, on Summer House Season 7, Episode 4, Gabby Prescod was asking Lindsay whether she really should marry Carl Radke. The conversation upset Lindsay much, she ran out — right past the front gate and onto the road.
To see the aftermath of Lindsay’s dramatic exit on Season 7, Episode 5, watch the clip above, or read the transcript below.
Gabby: Lindsay’s gone.
Amanda: What?
Gabby: Lindsay’s gone.
Amanda: What do you mean? She went upstairs.
Gabby: No, I was upstairs with her and then we came down. She’s like, ‘I need to go for a walk.’ I don’t know where she is.
West: Ran away?
Ciara: Runaway bride!
West: I think I’m gonna take this shirt off.
Amanda: I’m gonna change, too.
Ciara: But I’m not going outside. I’m not trying to be out.
Amanda: I’m damp, too.
Ciara (to West): You’re damp.
West: I’m literally damp.
Amanda: Ciara said, ‘I’m wet.’
West: She did say that.
Meanwhile, Carl Radke took a video call outside with his mother, Sharon, and stepfather, Lou.
Carl: Hey, there.
Sharon: So, you look quite dapper.
Carl: Yeah, I’m in the backyard of the summer house.
Sharon: Can you see Lou, too, or just me?
Carl: I can only see you.
Sharon: So, what’s on the docket for this evening?
Carl: We are gonna be camping in our backyard.
Lou: Is Lindsay up for camping?
Carl: Um, I’m not sure. We’ve been in a little bit of a tough spot today a little bit. Like, we both are feeling hurt by things that get said. I get really down and, um, sad because I just, I try my best to try and communicate and share how I’m feeling without trying to hurt her or make her more upset, and I think that’s what occurred this afternoon, unfortunately and … You know, I walked upstairs, and she was tearing up talking to Gabby, so I don’t know what.
Sharon: It’s hard.
Back inside the house, Lindsay had just returned from her walk.
Amanda: Gabby was looking for you.
Lindsay: I know.
Amanda: You good?
Lindsay: I went on a walk.
Amanda: You just were walking along the side of the road.
Lindsay: Yeah, and I almost got hit by a mail truck.
Ciara: What?
Back outside, Carl’s conversation with Sharon and Lou continued.
Lou: Has this been happening, Carl?
Carl: We did have an argument last weekend and last night kind of unearthed, I think, feelings from maybe last weekend.
Sharon: I’m sorry if you’re hurt. Anything I can do to make it feel better?
Carl: No, but it’s good to talk to you.
Carl (in confessional): I know relationships are gonna have their ups and downs, but I love Lindsay, and I don’t wanna focus on fighting. I wanna move past it. Please can we just have one fun night, like, [is] that so hard to ask?
Carl (to Sharon and Lou): Well, I’ll probably touch base with you guys tomorrow or Monday … OK, love you, too. Bye.
The Summer House guests moved their way outside, where Gabby, West, and Jesse Solomon played in the pool. Gabby took shots of alcohol from Jesse’s chest, as Lindsay, Ciara, and Danielle Olivera watched from the sidelines.
Gabby (to Jesse): Why are you concaved?
Jesse: God made me this way.
West: Can you take a shot out of there?
Gabby: There’s a lot of hair.
West: It’s fine.
Jesse: She’s not gonna do it.
West: Dude, you could pour half a beer in there.
Danielle: What are you guys doing?
West: He’s got three shots worth of a concave in his f—–g chest.
Danielle: It seems like you guys are ready to camp.
Jesse: Do we have bug spray?
Danielle: I have a little care package for each and every one of you to make sure that you’re ready for the wild outdoors.
Ciara: All right, I’m gonna get ready for camping.
The gang returned indoors to get ready for their backyard adventures. At one point, West addressed Ciara on the couch about what she planned to wear.
West: Is this your ’fit, for sure?
Ciara: Yeah, I told you. This is it.
West: I gotta figure something out. You’re gonna come party.
Ciara: Good luck. What? Did you say come party?
West: Yeah, ’cause I would never say ‘come hang out with me, directly.
Ciara: Why?
West: It’s too obvious.
Ciara: You want me to waste my time to decode a message.
West: Come hang out.
The group headed to change, including Lindsay and Gabby, whose conversation eventually went back to Carl.
Gabby: Do I need to put lotion on my butt?
Lindsay: Yes.
Gabby: K.
Lindsay: Do you want me to lotion your butt for you?
Gabby: No, I got it. Have you guys talked?
Lindsay: No. I’m trying to enjoy what is left of my day here. I don’t wanna, like, continue talking.
Gabby: I don’t wanna continue talking about it, either. But, the energy that you guys are putting out is, like, palpable.
Lindsay (in confessional): Who doesn’t fight? That’s a normal thing that relationships do. I just wanna enjoy my weekend, enjoy Danielle’s camping event, and like, not deal with this b——t anymore.
Gabby (in confessional): The stress of the fighting has done detrimental things to my physical appearance. I am trying to actively find someone to maybe be in a relationship with. I can’t be the hunchback of Notre Dame.
Amanda and husband, Kyle Cooke, also got ready for Danielle’s outdoorsy event.
Kyle: Look at this little set.
Amanda: Will my shorts fit you? Wait, pull your pants down for one second.
Kyle: Babe …
Amanda: Humor me. Come on, humor me.
Danielle starts mixing drinks when Gabby walks in.
Amanda: Can we do tequila and vodka in the same thing?
Gabby: Ugh, are you trying kill somebody?
Amanda: Try that.
Gabby: Oh, it’s good.
Outside, Carl thanked Danielle for hosting the event.
Carl: Thank you for setting this up.
Danielle: Let’s see who’s got what it takes.
Back inside, all were gathered when Danielle arrived with an armful of tote bags.
Lindsay: Oh, finally, there she is!
Danielle: There’s walkie-talkies in there. Make sure the communications are open and so your teammate is the color of your little cute mesh bag.
Lindsay: Oh, yeah!
Carl: I’m loving it.
Gabby: I’m obsessed.
Jesse: I get to hang out with Ciara?
Danielle: All right, campers, get your canteens ready. Meet me outside. It’s time to pitch a tent. Move, move, move, move …
Jesse: Ciara, where’d you put my walkie-talkie?
Ciara: F—–g this guy, I’m gonna f—–g lose with him on my team.
The Summer House guests headed to the backyard and formed their teams, as directed by Danielle.
Danielle: Carl, we’re coming over here. Jesse, you’re over there. You have two sleeping bags, a tent … We are pitching the tent, and then making a [inaudible] sleeping bag sorta vibe. Amanda here will be making sure that we’re on the up and up. When one of us loses, they will be taking on the heavy lifting for cooking us meals for the night. Campers, are you ready?
Amanda: Everyone, hydrate. Five, four, three, two, one, go!
Chaos ensued as cast members scrambled to pitch their tents in teamed-up pairs: Jesse and Ciara, West and Lindsay, Danielle and Kyle, and Carl and Gabby. Amanda agreed to play referee.
Jesse (reading instructions): Lay tent flat on the level ground, stake out four corners of the tent.
Lindsay: We got stakes, we got poles.
Danielle: We got this.
Lindsay: Toss me the stakes. The stakes are high.
West (in confessional): If a plane crashed, and I had one person to choose to survive in the wilderness with, f—–g Lindsay might be the one I choose. Don’t you think? She’d start bossing me around about, like, what my s–t kindling I brought back, and I’d be like, ‘Honestly, we’re gonna make it,’ you know?
Danielle: Well, that was easier than I thought, huh? You’d be surprised at how much ahead of the pack we are.
Gabby: (yells) Ow, mother!
Amanda: New rule.
Jesse: No new rules.
Amanda: Your sleeping bags must be in the tent, and you must be in your sleeping bag in the tent in order to win.
Gabby: Wait!
Carl (to Gabby): Keep pushing. OK, we’re in.
Lindsay: I’m stressed.
West: F—k yeah, Lindsay, let’s go.
Lindsay: Yeah!
Ciara: Damn!
Danielle and Kyle won by a hair, jumping inside their tent to zip it up just before West and Lindsay.
Amanda: Winners! Winners!