Whether you’re looking to up your sales game, launch a business, or build a team, the first quarter of 2025 delivers inspiring and practical books to guide your efforts.
Fearless: The New Rules for Unlocking Creativity, Courage, and Success
by Rebecca Minkoff
The luxury fashion mogul and activist aims to help other entrepreneurs, especially women, conquer fear and face challenges to achieve their goals by telling her own story of succeeding through perseverance and resolve.
Win the Inside Game: How to Move from Surviving to Thriving

Win the Inside Game
by Steve Magness
Magness, an athlete, coach, and author of the bestseller “Do Hard Things,” makes a compelling case that we can pursue excellence and personal fulfillment without sacrificing one for the other. He advocates shifting from a survival mentality to one of thriving and offers personal experience, guiding principles, and practical tips. Reviewers call the book “wise, entertaining” and “a breath of fresh air.”
Ping: The Secrets of Successful Virtual Communication

by Andrew Brodsky
Brodsky is a management professor at the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin and an expert in workplace technology, communication, and productivity. This new guide helps readers avoid misunderstandings and communicate effectively online by choosing the appropriate channel — email, text, videoconference — in hybrid work settings.
The Launch Code: Master Founder-Led Sales and Boost Your Startup’s Revenue Growth

The Launch Code
by Zoltan A. Vardy
B2B sales pro Vardy shows founders his real-world strategies to grow their businesses via a compelling value proposition, outbound sales, partnerships, and inbound marketing.
Lululemon and the Future of Technical Apparel

by Chip Wilson
Apparel retailer Lululemon is known for its strong brand and rapid growth. As its founder, Wilson admits to mistakes and missed opportunities. He credits the brand’s success to a business model and company culture that allowed him to step back and get out of the way of employees “who choose to be great.”
Venture Everywhere: Travel, Entrepreneurship and a Roadmap for Life

Venture Everywhere
by Jenny Fielding
Venture capitalist Jenny Fielding distills the secrets to business and life she has gathered from entrepreneurs around the globe and from her own experience as the founder of two tech businesses and leader of Everywhere Ventures, a fund that focuses on early-stage companies.
The A-Z of Payments: A Modern and Practical Glossary

The A-Z of Payments
by Neira Jones
If abbreviations such as PCI DSS, POS, PoS, A2A, P2P, and BaaS leave you scratching your head, this comprehensive list comes to the rescue with clear explanations of more than 1,600 fintech and payment terms. Jones is an expert on payments, financial technology, and cybercrime who advises organizations and has received industry awards and accolades.
The Stargazer: Unleashing the Brilliance of Building Brighter Teams

The Stargazer
by Katie P. Desiderio and Michael G. Frino
The co-authors of The Wall Street Journal bestseller “The Beekeeper: Pollinating Your Organization for Transformative Growth” create an inspiring fable that illustrates how to build strong, cohesive teams.
Attention, Shoppers!: American Retail Capitalism and the Origins of the Amazon Economy

Attention, Shoppers!
by Kathleen Thelen
How have giant retailers such as Walmart and Amazon come to dominate and alter consumer capitalism? Thelen contrasts the U.S. regulatory environment with those in the U.K. and the E.U. and provides a historical perspective on how the current economic climate evolved. According to reviews, it’s a “pathbreaking study that provides insight into not only the past but also the future of online retail.”
G.O.A.T. Wisdom: How to Build a Truly Great Business — From the Founders of Beekman 1802

G.O.A.T. Wisdom
by Dr. Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell
Coming in July from Harvard Business Review Press is the story of how the authors left the corporate world in 2008 to found a successful beauty and skincare brand based on goat milk. They started the business without external funding, during a recession, and with minimal planning. The book shares their 12 key principles, stories from their experience, insights from other entrepreneurs, and plenty of practical tips.